Figured koa knife by Eric Richardson
Figured koa wood knife handle by Eric Richardson

Knife Scales & Handle Blocks

Knife scales are two-piece, bookmatched sets. Knife handle blocks are one piece, with enough material for resawing into sets. Please note that not all species will exhibit figure. 

16 products
Flame (Curly) Maple Knife Scales
Flame (Curly) Maple Knife Scales
Wood Dragon Hoard Gift Card
Wood Dragon Hoard Gift Card
Beautiful maple burl knife handle blocks.  Burls may show as eye-spots or rays with figure between.  Some blanks may have small, fillable bark inclusions or voids.  These blocks are unstabilized.
Beautiful maple burl knife handle blocks.  Burls may show as eye-spots or rays with figure between.  Some blanks may have small, fillable bark inclusions or voids.  These blocks are unstabilized.
Maple Burl Knife Handle Block
Curly (flame) maple knife handle blocks with top grade figure.  Blocks may be two-toned and/or have interesting coloration.
Curly (Flame) Maple Knife Handle Block
Gorgeous, heavy curl in these claro walnut knife handle blanks.  Figure style ranges from straight curly to interesting basket-weave patterns.
Curly Claro Walnut Knife Handle Block
Collection of mango blocks showing a range of color and figure.
Collection of mango blocks showing a range of color and figure.
Mango Knife Handle Block
Collection of curly koa blocks showing color and figure.
Collection of curly koa blocks showing color and figure.
Curly Koa Knife Handle Block
collection of curly French ash blocks.
Collection of French ash blocks
French Ash Knife Handle Block
Quilted maple knife handle blocks with 5A grade quilting, colors ranging from two-tone white to chocolate.
Quilted maple knife handle blocks with 5A grade quilting, colors ranging from two-tone white to chocolate.
Quilted Maple Knife Handle Block

Main header photograph courtesy of Eric Richardson